The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Sixth Form

Welcome to Three Rivers Academy Sixth Form 

The Three Rivers Academy Sixth Form is a vibrant and exciting place to study which was highlighted by our recent Ofsted inspection in May 2019. 16-19 education at the Sixth Form was judged as ‘Good’. Our Sixth Form team is dedicated to ensuring all students have the best opportunities to prepare for the world beyond school. Ofsted noted that ‘Teaching, learning and assessment in the Sixth Form are of consistently high quality and, therefore, students make good progress across a wide range of subjects.’

This shows through in the students in both academic preparation to ensure students get the highest possible grades and also the acquisition and development of the skills needed to succeed in their studies and their life after Sixth Form, such as independence, teamwork and resilience. Staff know students well and this allows students to receive the individual attention and support that is so vital at this level. This personalised approach ensures our Sixth Form students leave us fully equipped for their next step, be it university, apprenticeship or employment. Ofsted also noted that ‘Students value the support, advice and guidance they receive when applying for university, further training or employment. Increasing numbers are securing apprenticeships or gaining places at high-quality universities.’

We give our students enough freedom to allow them to learn how to manage their time effectively and to their advantage, but we also have well developed structure and support systems in place to ensure that they succeed in their endeavours. Good relationships between parents, staff and students are a key ingredient for this success and one which our Sixth Form has hugely benefitted from. Time spent in the classroom is only one part of the experience which we offer our Sixth Form students. There are many other opportunities to develop wider skills, act as a role model within the school community, take on roles of responsibility and just as importantly, have fun.

At Three Rivers Academy Sixth Form, everyone is committed to the school’s ethos of ‘bringing out the best’ and we all work together to achieve this goal. Indeed, Ofsted reported that ‘The curriculum and enrichment activities promote pupils’     development well’ and the Sixth Form ‘...provides an inclusive and aspirational education.’



Mr A Detnon – Assistant Principal i/c Sixth Form

Tel: 01932 242994 Ext: 3530


Mrs S Maton – Sixth Form Manager 

Tel: 01932 242994 Ext: 3529